I came across this and I couldn't help sharing!
A SHORT LOVE STORY IN STOP MOTION from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A love story done in stop motion
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
FBI closing in on suspected Palin email hacker
Did you really think the FBI or Secret Service were going to take Gov. Palin's email hacking lightly? Of course not. In this story they've seem to narrowed the search down to Dave Kernel, 20 a student of the University of Tennessee. Ironicly he's the son of state Representative(Tennessee) Mike Kernel(Democrat). Dave's email has been linked through anonymity service(not so anonymous anymore) that he apparently used to hide his identity. I find it amusing that the guy who ran the service was very cooperative when the FBI came knocking. Dave may have thought it was a harmless prank but I don't think the guys in the suits and pitch black sunglasses have much of sense of humor. To hack into an email account of candidate for Vice President is not something be taken lightly.
Photo: (AFP/File/Robyn Beck)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sarah Palin the shocking photo!
I had this photo sent to me by email so I have no idea where it came from. Obviously it's a photoshoped but one could hope! I do believe she's taken a beating by the press. You know the same ones who overlook Obama's lack of experience. The difference is Obama is on top of the ticket and Sarah is the #2. On the other hand she's stolen a lot of thunder from Obama's campaign and it's starting to show in the polls. The sludge the the dems are throwing will not stop. I believe they are in panic mode. It's 2004 again when Kerry failed to successfully squash the Swift boat debacle. Democrats were caught by surprise by the Palin pick and still haven't fully recovered. Do they regret not picking Hillary. Hate to be in her shoes. She came so close to be shunned by Barack. Now another woman could possibly be VP besides her. IfI was a Hillary supporter(I am not!) I'd be furious. So far I believe she's held up under the pressure and has revived McCain's stagnant campaign.