Saturday, March 8, 2008

Personal Politics

While doing some afternoon channel surfing I came across in interesting news bit on either CNN or MSNBC. It featured a ten year old asking the current Presidential candidates some standard questions about the environment and graded them afterward. McCain and Hillary both took the time to answer the youngsters questions. Barack apparently was a bit busy but the kid got a shot with his wife Michelle which she answered for him.

I didn't think much of it until I came across this article by Providence Journal columnist Mark Patinkin about recent visits by Obama and Clinton before the primary vote this past week. They both spoke at the same venue so it was perhaps a fair comparison. Obama apparently had good organization and had a large and enthusiastic turnout. The downside was that he pretty much gave the staple stump speech and left the state soon after. Hillary in comparison though speaking to a smaller crowd and was a bit disorganized. On the other hand she was apparently a bit more energetic and more personal. She even made a tour of state after which to small state like Rhode Island can be a big deal. Let's face it on a national scale this state is usually a blip on the map.

The connection or question here is Obama becoming sort of "Rock Star" candidate to busy for the little people. "All politics are local" as the old saying goes. Could this be Baracks weak point? In case you missed it Hillary carried the state by a wide margin.

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