Thursday, February 21, 2008

I am proud of my country

“For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.” These were spoken by Michelle Obama recently and apparently she got into a little hot water over it. Though it'll probably just be a blip on what's turning out to be the Obama Express. Of course it was a hot topic on talk shows I heard like Laura Ingraham I heard last night on the way home from work. Of course Obama's people tried to put a spin on it that she meant to say something else. Pretty obvious they were in damage control mode.
I did come across this article from local columnist Mark Patinkin of the Providence Journal. I thought it put into perspective of how unique our country is compared to other countries of the world. I just wanted to share that article because I think many of us take for granted many of the simple things that make our country great.

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