Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lost cellphone

I've got poor record of losing,breaking and trying to recycle it(not on purpose). I'm of the age where I go from one room to another and forget why I went there in the first place. I don't use it a whole lot except to call my wife or close friends. So when it's not around I don't miss it much until it's time to go somewhere. The first one I lost was at a GM auto show where we were test driving a lot of cars so it would have been next to impossible to retrieve it. The next one the screen cracked after I sat on it apparently. The phone itself worked but the screen was no good. The next one I lost while taking my son on a bike trail. I didn't realize it was missing until we got home. So I went back to where we we had started the bike trail and sure enough it was there. The only problem it was in about 100 pieces on the ground. Either I had or someone else had run it over. To replace that one I purchased a used one off Ebay for a lot cheaper than to purchase a new one. Just yesterday I realized that it was missing well sort of. When I first couldn't find it the first night I just thought I'd left it in the car and I'd get it the next day. When the next day came around it wasn't in the car I knew something was up. That brings us to today when I received a call from a friend (in my contact list) that received a call from someone. She thought that it was someone from my telephone. After few tries we tried the number and got a hold of the guy who had it. He had found it in my recycling bin mixed in with some newspapers. I was able to pick it up today fortunately he only lives about fifteen minutes from my house. I tried to offer some cash as reward but he declined. I'm fortunate to find it because it would have been a hassle to replace. OK well I've got to head to work. Now where did I put that phone again...

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