Saturday, February 23, 2008


I'm not sure lately but I've had a rough time coming up with stuff for this blog(and a couple of others I have). Maybe it's just the winter time blues. When I do surf on the net it's usually just the same stuff. Nothing great to comment on. It's seems my focus is blurred. This even applies to real life too. I want to write up something but can't seem to find a subject worth spending a lot of time with.

One such item I've been procrastinating on is my son's pinewood derby project. Though we did finally pick up the paint for it yesterday and plan on painting it later today. I'm still a bit upset with my wife bringing them to her cousins and got them cut. That was before my son and I had even picked out a design. Perhaps I should have been a bit quicker but we had picked out designs and now I have to make something out of the already cut wood that's not even close to what we wanted. I know she meant well. It's suppose to be a father and son project.

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