Friday, February 22, 2008

McCain for President

To be honest I hadn't given a whole lot of attention to the Presidential primaries. At least not on a day to day basis. At first I was bit undecided has who my choice would be. Being as lean on the conservative side of the political fence Democrats need not apply. At first it was possibly either Fred Thompson or Mitt Romney as my first two choices but even then they weren't very strong ones. Well Fred Thompson's campaign seemed to fizzle and take off. Though it seemed that Mitt would make a decent run for it. I think he was a bit too polished and almost Al Gore/John Kerry stiff as personality goes. As we all know they both dropped out already. That leads us to John McCain. He may not be my first choice but I believe he's got the leadership skills to lead our country. He's a man of faith and good character which I can identify with and admire. As of now, March 4,2008(Rhode Island primary), and in November 2008 he'll get my vote.

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